Ultraloq UL3 BT Smart Lock Installation: Step-by-Step Homeowner Guide & Setup Tips

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Locking up your home should give you a sense of security, not anxiety. That’s why more and more homeowners are turning to smart locks for their peace of mind. And when it comes to smart locks, the Ultraloq UL3 BT is a popular choice. But what makes it stand out? Let’s walk through the installation and setup so you can see for yourself how it can make your home safer and your life a little easier.

Table Of Contents
  1. Key Takeaways
  2. Ease of Use and Convenience
  3. Enhanced Security Features
  4. Smart Integration and Remote Access
  5. Battery Life and Durability
  6. User Feedback and Ratings
  7. Tools and Materials Needed
  8. Understanding Door Specifications
  9. Old Lock Removal
  10. Safety Precautions
  11. Preparing Your Smartphone
  12. Attaching the Mounting Plate
  13. Connecting the Cables
  14. Installing the Batteries
  15. Setting Up the Fingerprint and Code
  16. Calibrating the Smart Lock
  17. Adding your lock to the app
  18. Using the Ultraloq App
  19. Setting Up Bluetooth Access
  20. Customizing User Profiles
  21. Setting Auto-Lock and Auto-Unlock Functions
  22. Integrating with Smart Home Systems
  23. Dealing with Fingerprint Recognition Errors
  24. Solving Bluetooth Connectivity Problems
  25. Addressing Mechanical Installation Difficulties
  26. Ensuring Reliable Power Supply
  27. Resetting the Lock to Factory Settings
  28. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance Tips
  29. Battery Management and Replacement
  30. Software Updates and Bug Fixes
  31. Handling Wear and Tear
  32. When to Contact Customer Support
  33. Long-term Access Codes and Ekeys
  34. Using the Magic Shake Feature
  35. Understanding Passage Mode
  36. Lockout Mode Explained
  37. Leveraging If-This-Then-That (IFTTT) Recipes
  38. Assessing Your Home Security Needs
  39. Comparing UL3 BT with Competing Smart Locks
  40. Investment and Value Consideration
  41. User Experiences and Community Feedback
  42. Reasons to Buy the Ultraloq UL3 BT Smart Lock
  43. Can the Ultraloq UL3 be installed on any door?
  44. How does the UL3 ensure security?
  45. Is internet connectivity required for the Ultraloq UL3 to function?
  46. What should I do if the fingerprint scanner is not working?
  47. Can I manage the Ultraloq UL3 remotely?

Key Takeaways

ULTRALOQ UL3 BT 2nd Gen Smart Lock (Black) + WiFi Bridge, 5-in-1 Keyless Entry Electronic Door Handle with Bluetooth, Biometric Fingerprint and Touch Digital Keypad

ULTRALOQ UL3 BT 2nd Gen Smart Lock (Satin Nickel) + WiFi Bridge, 5-in-1 Keyless Entry Electronic Door Handle with Bluetooth, Biometric Fingerprint and Touch Digital Keypad

Why Choose Ultraloq UL3 BT Smart Lock?

Imagine never having to fumble for keys again, or worrying if you locked the door on your way out. The Ultraloq UL3 BT offers that convenience. Plus, it’s packed with features that put traditional locks to shame. It’s not just about locking and unlocking your door; it’s about doing it smarter, safer, and with more style.

Ease of Use and Convenience

With the Ultraloq UL3 BT, you can unlock your door with just a touch using its advanced fingerprint recognition. No more digging through pockets or purses for keys. You can also enter a code on the touchscreen if you prefer, or use your smartphone. It’s all about what works best for you.

Enhanced Security Features

Security is where the UL3 BT really shines. Its fingerprint technology is top-notch, allowing for quick and secure access to your home. It also has a built-in anti-peep touchscreen, so you can enter your password without the worry of prying eyes.

Smart Integration and Remote Access

Besides that, this smart lock integrates with your smartphone. You can lock and unlock your door from anywhere, which is perfect if you need to let someone in while you’re not home. You can also keep track of who comes and goes with a log that’s stored on your phone.

Battery Life and Durability

You won’t be constantly changing batteries, either. The UL3 BT is designed to last a long time on a single set of batteries, and it will let you know when they’re running low. The lock itself is weatherproof and built to last, so it can handle whatever life throws at it.

User Feedback and Ratings

Most importantly, users love the UL3 BT. It has high ratings for its ease of installation, use, and reliability. People appreciate the peace of mind it offers and the convenience of its features.

Before You Begin the Installation

Before we dive into the installation process, let’s make sure you have everything you need. Installing the Ultraloq UL3 BT is something you can do on your own, without the need for a professional. Here’s how to prepare.

Tools and Materials Needed

You’ll need a few basic tools:

  • A Phillips screwdriver

  • A tape measure

  • AA batteries (these usually come with the lock)

That’s it! With these tools at the ready, you’re all set to install your new smart lock.

Understanding Door Specifications

Before you start, make sure your door is compatible. The UL3 BT fits most standard doors. For a detailed guide on door compatibility and smart lock installation, check out our comprehensive resources.

  • Door thickness should be between 1-3/8″ and 1-3/4″.

  • The lock is suitable for both left-handed and right-handed doors.

If your door meets these specs, you’re good to go. For more details on smart lock features and installation, check out our comprehensive guide on upgrading to smart locks.

Old Lock Removal

First, you’ll need to remove your old lock. Don’t worry, it’s usually just a matter of unscrewing a few screws. Keep all the parts together, just in case you need them later. For a more detailed guide on removing different types of locks, you might want to check out keyless smart locks comparisons.

Safety Precautions

As with any DIY project, safety comes first. Make sure your door is open while you’re working on the lock, so you don’t accidentally lock yourself out—or in! For more smart lock installation tips, always ensure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Preparing Your Smartphone

If you plan to use your smartphone with the lock, download the Ultraloq app from the App Store or Google Play. You’ll use this later to configure the lock’s settings and manage access.

Installation guide for Ultraloq UL3 BT 2-nd gen. is HERE !

Step-by-Step Installation Process

Now, let’s get down to business. I’ll guide you through each step of the installation process. Follow these instructions, and you’ll have your Ultraloq UL3 BT up and running in no time.

Attaching the Mounting Plate

After you’ve removed your old lock, you’ll see a hole in the door. This is where the mounting plate will go. Line it up with the holes, and secure it with the provided screws. Make sure it’s straight; an uneven lock is a headache you don’t want.

Connecting the Cables

Next, you’ll connect the cables from the exterior part of the lock to the interior. This is how the fingerprint reader and keypad talk to the motor that moves the lock. It might look complex, but it’s just a simple plug-in.

Installing the Batteries

Pop open the battery cover on the interior side and insert the three AA batteries. Make sure they’re facing the right direction. The lock will beep and light up, letting you know it’s powered on.

And that’s the first part of your Ultraloq UL3 BT installation guide. Stay tuned for the next steps, where we’ll cover setting up the fingerprint and code, calibrating the smart lock, and configuring all the cool features that give you control over your home security.

Remember, taking the time to install your smart lock properly is key to ensuring it works correctly. But once it’s in place, you’ll enjoy the convenience and security it provides every day. So, let’s keep going and get you that peace of mind you’re looking for.

Setting Up the Fingerprint and Code

Now that your Ultraloq UL3 BT is installed, it’s time to personalize it. Start by registering your fingerprint. Place your finger on the scanner and follow the prompts on the lock or in the app. You’ll need to lift and place your finger a few times to capture different angles. This ensures that you can unlock your door quickly and easily, no matter how you press your finger against the scanner.

Next, set up a code. Choose a code that’s easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. Avoid obvious choices like “1234”. Enter your new code on the touchscreen to make sure it works. Now you have two convenient and secure ways to access your home!

Calibrating the Smart Lock

Calibration is crucial for the lock to function properly. This process aligns the lock’s mechanics with your door to ensure smooth operation. Simply follow the instructions in the app or the manual. Usually, it involves locking and unlocking the door a few times so the system can learn how much force to use. A well-calibrated lock is a reliable lock.

Configuring the Ultraloq UL3 Smart Lock Features

Once installed and calibrated, it’s time to dive into the features that make the Ultraloq UL3 BT stand out. The app is your control center, where you can manage access, view logs, and adjust settings. Let’s get that set up now.

Adding your lock to the app

Using the Ultraloq App

Open the Ultraloq app on your smartphone and create an account if you haven’t already. Pair your lock with the app via Bluetooth. This will allow you to manage your lock from your phone. You can add or delete fingerprints and codes, check battery life, and see access logs right from the app. It’s all about giving you full control over your home security.

Setting Up Bluetooth Access

For those times when you don’t want to use your fingerprint or code, Bluetooth access is incredibly convenient. Within the app, you can activate Bluetooth unlock. When your phone is within range, simply press the unlock button on the app or use the ‘Magic Shake’ feature to open the door without even taking your phone out of your pocket. It’s that easy!

Moreover, you can share Bluetooth keys with family and friends. They’ll need to download the app and create an account, but once they do, you can send them an eKey that allows them access to your home. You can set permanent, recurring, or one-time access, giving you flexibility and control over who enters your home and when.

But, let’s not forget about security. If your phone is lost or stolen, you can quickly remove its access rights from the lock, ensuring your home stays secure. You can also track who’s entering and leaving your home with the app’s log, giving you an extra layer of oversight.

And what about guests without smartphones? No problem. You can always use the old-fashioned way and give them a code. The Ultraloq UL3 BT is all about options and making sure you’re covered for every scenario.

“The convenience of Bluetooth access means I can let my kids in when they get home from school, even if I’m still at work. It’s one less thing to worry about.” – A satisfied Ultraloq user

Customizing User Profiles

With the Ultraloq app, you can create profiles for different users. Assign each family member their fingerprint and code, and manage guest access with ease. You can even set temporary access for service professionals like cleaners or dog walkers. This feature is perfect for managing who has access to your home and when.

Setting Auto-Lock and Auto-Unlock Functions

Forget to lock the door? The auto-lock feature has your back. You can set it to lock the door automatically after a certain period of time, or whenever the door is closed. And with the auto-unlock feature, the door can unlock as you approach, so you never have to put down groceries to search for keys or your phone again.

Integrating with Smart Home Systems

If you have other smart devices at home, you can integrate the Ultraloq UL3 BT with many of them. This means you can set scenarios like turning on lights or adjusting the thermostat when you unlock your door. Check the app for compatible devices and step into the future of home automation.

And for those who are tech-savvy, the Ultraloq UL3 BT is compatible with IFTTT, allowing you to create custom automations. Imagine your coffee maker turning on the moment you unlock your door in the morning. The possibilities are nearly endless.

Troubleshooting Common Issues During Installation

  • Check the alignment of the lock and the strike plate.

  • Ensure the batteries are properly installed and have sufficient charge.

  • Make sure the cables are connected correctly.

  • Refer to the user manual for troubleshooting steps specific to the Ultraloq UL3 BT.

Even with the best products, sometimes things don’t go as planned. But don’t worry, here are some tips to get you back on track.

Dealing with Fingerprint Recognition Errors

If your lock isn’t recognizing your fingerprint, try the following:

  • Clean the fingerprint scanner with a dry cloth.

  • Reregister your fingerprint, making sure to capture the edges of your finger.

  • Ensure your finger is placed correctly on the scanner.

Usually, these steps will resolve any issues with fingerprint recognition.

Solving Bluetooth Connectivity Problems

If you’re having trouble connecting your phone to the lock via Bluetooth, here are a few things to try:

  • Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on your phone.

  • Restart the Bluetooth on your phone and the lock.

  • Move closer to the lock to ensure you’re within range.

  • Check for any updates to the Ultraloq app.

Most connectivity issues can be solved with these simple steps.

Addressing Mechanical Installation Difficulties

If the lock isn’t functioning smoothly, it could be a mechanical issue. Make sure all parts are installed correctly and the door can close without any obstructions. If the problem persists, the user manual is your best friend. It has detailed instructions and diagrams to help you troubleshoot any installation issues.

Ensuring Reliable Power Supply

  • Use high-quality batteries for longer life.

  • Check the battery level in the app regularly.

  • Keep spare batteries on hand for quick replacement.

Power issues can cause unexpected behavior in electronic devices. By ensuring a reliable power supply, you’ll keep your smart lock running smoothly.

Resetting the Lock to Factory Settings

If all else fails, you can reset your Ultraloq UL3 BT Smart Lock to its factory settings. This will erase all your custom settings and codes, so use it as a last resort. The process is straightforward: just press and hold the reset button inside the lock for a few seconds. The lock will beep to indicate it’s been reset. Then you can start fresh and reconfigure your settings.

Maintaining your smart lock is crucial to ensure its longevity and reliability. Thankfully, the Ultraloq UL3 BT is designed to be low-maintenance. Here are some tips to keep it in top shape:

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Keep the fingerprint scanner clean by wiping it with a dry cloth regularly. Dust and dirt can affect its accuracy. Also, check the batteries every few months to make sure they’re still holding a charge. The app will notify you when they’re low, but it’s good practice to stay ahead of the game.

Battery Management and Replacement

The Ultraloq UL3 BT is designed to be energy-efficient, but eventually, the batteries will need replacing. When you receive a low battery notification, change them as soon as possible to avoid being locked out. Always use high-quality batteries for the best performance and longevity.

Software Updates and Bug Fixes

Keep the Ultraloq app updated to ensure you have the latest features and security patches. Updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can enhance the performance of your lock.

Handling Wear and Tear

Any device that’s used daily will experience wear and tear. If you notice any issues with the lock’s performance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ultraloq’s customer support. They’re there to help you get the most out of your smart lock.

When to Contact Customer Support

If you encounter any persistent issues or have questions about the lock’s functionality, Ultraloq’s customer support team is just a call or email away. For additional troubleshooting tips and expert advice, you might want to consult the Eufy Smart Lock troubleshooting guide, which can help ensure your smart lock continues to operate seamlessly.

Exploring Advanced Features and Customization

The Ultraloq UL3 BT isn’t just a lock; it’s a smart home device with features that can be tailored to your lifestyle. Let’s explore some of the advanced features and how you can customize them.

Long-term Access Codes and Ekeys

Planning to have guests or a house sitter? You can create temporary access codes or eKeys that expire after a set period. This way, you don’t have to change your main code, and you can ensure your home remains secure after your guests leave.

Using the Magic Shake Feature

One of the coolest features of the Ultraloq app is the ‘Magic Shake’ function. Simply shake your phone while the app is open, and the door will unlock. It’s like magic and perfect for when your hands are full.

Understanding Passage Mode

Passage mode allows you to set the lock to stay unlocked, which is handy during parties or gatherings when you expect people to come and go frequently. Just remember to turn it off once your event is over to keep your home secure.

Lockout Mode Explained

  • Lockout mode disables all user access except the mechanical key.

  • It’s useful when you need extra security, like when you’re away on vacation.

  • Activate it directly from the keypad or the app.

Lockout mode is your ultimate peace-of-mind feature, ensuring that no one, not even someone with a code or a fingerprint, can enter without the physical key.

Leveraging If-This-Then-That (IFTTT) Recipes

If you love automating your life, then you’ll appreciate the Ultraloq UL3 BT’s compatibility with IFTTT. Create recipes that trigger other smart devices in your home based on actions from your lock. For example, when you unlock the door, your smart lights can turn on, welcoming you home.

Final Thoughts: Is the Ultraloq UL3 Right for Your Home?

Now that we’ve covered the installation, features, and maintenance of the Ultraloq UL3 BT, it’s time to consider if it’s the right choice for your home.

Assessing Your Home Security Needs

Consider your lifestyle and security needs. Do you have guests often? Do you want the ability to monitor access to your home remotely? The UL3 BT offers these conveniences and more.

Comparing UL3 BT with Competing Smart Locks

When looking at other smart locks, consider their features, reliability, and user reviews. The Ultraloq UL3 BT stands out for its fingerprint technology, ease of use, and integration with smart home systems.

Investment and Value Consideration

At under $200, the Ultraloq UL3 BT is an investment in your home’s security and convenience. It’s competitively priced compared to other smart locks with similar features.

User Experiences and Community Feedback

The UL3 BT has received positive feedback from users for its reliability and ease of installation. It’s well-regarded in the smart home community, and its customer support is praised for being helpful and responsive.

Reasons to Buy the Ultraloq UL3 BT Smart Lock

If you’re looking for a lock that offers both security and convenience, the Ultraloq UL3 BT is a strong contender. Its fingerprint technology, remote access, and smart home integration provide a level of control and peace of mind that traditional locks can’t match. Ready to upgrade your home security? Consider the Ultraloq UL3 BT Smart Lock for a smarter, safer home.


  • Can the Ultraloq UL3 be installed on any door?

  • How does the UL3 ensure security?

  • Is internet connectivity required for the Ultraloq UL3 to function?

  • What should I do if the fingerprint scanner is not working?

  • Can I manage the Ultraloq UL3 remotely?

Let’s address some common questions about the Ultraloq UL3 BT Smart Lock to help you make an informed decision.

Can the Ultraloq UL3 be installed on any door?

The UL3 BT is designed to fit most standard doors. As long as your door thickness is between 1-3/8″ and 1-3/4″, you can install the UL3 BT without any issues.

How does the UL3 ensure security?

The UL3 BT uses advanced biometric technology for fingerprint recognition, which is unique to each individual. Additionally, the anti-peep touchscreen ensures that passwords can’t be guessed by looking at smudge patterns.

Is internet connectivity required for the Ultraloq UL3 to function?

No, the lock uses Bluetooth for most functions, so you don’t need an active internet connection. However, if you want to control the lock remotely or integrate it with smart home devices, you’ll need a WiFi bridge, which is sold separately.

What should I do if the fingerprint scanner is not working?

First, clean the scanner with a dry cloth. If the issue persists, try re-registering your fingerprint in the app. Ensure your finger is placed correctly and that you capture all angles during registration.

Can I manage the Ultraloq UL3 remotely?

Yes, with the Ultraloq app and an optional WiFi bridge, you can manage your lock from anywhere. This includes unlocking/locking the door, granting access to others, and receiving notifications.